フーリンキャットマーク – めめんと

Title: めめんと (Memento)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク
Album: Cat Nap Pops (2021)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク
Guitar: うっちー
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: ティアオイエツォン (diao ye zong / Withered Leaf)
Track: 02

When you’re soooo in love… you’re on cloud nine, and you don’t want that honeymoon sweetness to ever end–you keep replaying the same scenarios, over and over again, each time just a little bit different from the times before and after. Almost as if in a never-ending dream world.

The lyrics of this track don’t seem to have much to do with Chen, but they’re adorable just the same. I particularly like the instrumental to this track having a kind of 2000s Game OST dnb/pop vibe to it.

TL Notes + Lyrics below!


  • 言葉が意味を成さなくなり …” – this stanza is rather hard to convey with a literal translation, but the imagery it’s conveying is the way you kind of involuntarily do things in a dream, even things you may not know how to do while awake, and even though words themselves don’t quite make sense…
    • What the “hajimeru koto” (“the act of starting”) is referring to seems ambiguous
  • 転ばぬ先の杖で転びかけた” – “転ばぬ先の杖” (korobanu saki no tsue) is an idiomatic phrase that means to take caution so you don’t fumble, or, “a stitch in time saves nine.” This line plays with it a little, saying the speaker’s already tumbling over and falling despite having taken a walking stick to prevent it.
  • The “high” in “getting high all too quickly” is supposed to be a happy high/state of being inebriated
  • 少女のように澄んだ瞳 “- “澄んだ瞳” (sunda hitomi) is a phrase meaning eyes so pure/innocent not a hint of wickedness is reflected in them. This stanza also features the pitched down vocal singing solo right up until the “chotto…!” part
  • 眠る瞳はただ悪戯に …” – the imagery of this stanza as I understand it is that this dream–this ordinary, everyday trick that’s played on you when you sleep–keeps getting stuff added to it somehow

歌詞 / Lyrics:

I want to stay like this with you–
To keep feeling like a floating jellyfish–
On this midnight where awareness is but a faraway thought.

This is a utopia without any coordinates;
And it’s nostalgic, the way this place
Really resembles a scenery I’d seen forever ago…

I dreamed within a dream
That I was watching the stars with you
In a town that doesn’t exist, in an amusement park.

As words lose their meaning, taking that first step
Becomes something we’ve always known how to do.

So let’s make the most of this time we have
With the sweet, sweet night’s compote.

It feels like I’m getting high all too quickly,
So please keep holding on to my hand
Until we’re at this dream’s parking area…

Let’s keep running all the way through tonight,
And repaint reality in a new color;
Look– the world we wished for is over there!

“I look before I leap when my feet have already left the ground,
You’re my princess! Your eyes as pure as a fair maiden’s–“
Wait a minute! My heart’s beating real fast…!

We’re caught up in such a silly scenario as this, after all,
And our discovery is merely just a happy ending.

My heart overlaps yours with unending speed…

My slumbering eyes make this dream, this ordinary mischief
More and more elaborate, more colorful;
And I’m not quite sure why it’s happening, but…

However many times you and I forget this and do it all again,
We desire, and look for, the lingering feelings of déjà vu
Left behind before the dawn.

But, you know…
It feels like I’m getting high all too quickly,
So please keep holding on to my hand
Until we’re at this dream’s parking area…

Let’s keep running all the way through tonight,
And repaint reality in a new color;
Look– the world we wished for is over there!

I want to stay like this with you–
To keep feeling like a floating jellyfish–
On this midnight where awareness is but a faraway thought.

This is a utopia without any coordinates;
And it’s nostalgic, the way this place
Really resembles a scenery I’d seen forever ago…

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