フーリンキャットマーク – キラキラ×ナユタ

Title: キラキラ×ナユタ (Sparkles x1000000)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク
Album: Cat Nap Pops (2021)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク
Guitar: うっちー
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: 大吉キトゥン (Kitten of Great Fortune)
Track: 03

[Official MV]

Meow! A sweet song of being infatuated with a cute girl~

Your love is greater than the number of stars in the sky–indeed, the title is a roundabout way of describing the stars in the sky being so great in number it’s impossible to count.
Lots of translation notes this time around, as there’s a lot of fun phrases to play around with.

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