フーリンキャットマーク – めめんと

Title: めめんと (Memento)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク
Album: Cat Nap Pops (2021)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク
Guitar: うっちー
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: ティアオイエツォン (diao ye zong / Withered Leaf)
Track: 02

When you’re soooo in love… you’re on cloud nine, and you don’t want that honeymoon sweetness to ever end–you keep replaying the same scenarios, over and over again, each time just a little bit different from the times before and after. Almost as if in a never-ending dream world.

The lyrics of this track don’t seem to have much to do with Chen, but they’re adorable just the same. I particularly like the instrumental to this track having a kind of 2000s Game OST dnb/pop vibe to it.

TL Notes + Lyrics below!

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