フーリンキャットマーク – マリーは17歳

Title: マリーは17歳 (Marie is 17 Years Old)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク
Album: Cat Nap Pops (2021)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク
Guitar: ゆっきー
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: 死体旅行 ~ Be of good cheer! (Corpse Voyage) / 永遠の三日天下 (Eternal Short-Lived Reign)
Track: 05 (Final)

The old joke of a billion years ago reappears here, narrating a VERY silly and fantastical picture about what seems like an ageless yet somewhat morbid love–a seemingly brief-lived love before necromancy comes into play, but full of good vibes all the way through.

This final track is for sure the most difficult to grasp what exactly it’s singing about, but song lyrics don’t always have to be sensical~ I did try my best to make it as coherent as possible, though!

Lots of notes below!

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フーリンキャットマーク – 近未来シンデレラ

‘Title: 近未来シンデレラ (Cinderella of the Near-Future)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク
Album: Cat Nap Pops (2021)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?(U.N. Owen was Her?)
Track: 04

A lot of Fuling Cat Mark songs seem to be interested in building worlds of repetition within their lyrics–the narrators get caught up in reliving emotions they want to linger in, or doing the same things in the hope of a different outcome.

This time, in a lovely futuristic musical adventure, we enter the world of Flandre, a Cinderella figure trapped in the basement. Except there’s a twist–it’s the 2020s, so she’s got some more modern tools to help her break out and get to the ball. Or can this, too, still end up in failure somehow…?

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フーリンキャットマーク – キラキラ×ナユタ

Title: キラキラ×ナユタ (Sparkles x1000000)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク
Album: Cat Nap Pops (2021)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク
Guitar: うっちー
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: 大吉キトゥン (Kitten of Great Fortune)
Track: 03

[Official MV]

Meow! A sweet song of being infatuated with a cute girl~

Your love is greater than the number of stars in the sky–indeed, the title is a roundabout way of describing the stars in the sky being so great in number it’s impossible to count.
Lots of translation notes this time around, as there’s a lot of fun phrases to play around with.

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フーリンキャットマーク – めめんと

Title: めめんと (Memento)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク
Album: Cat Nap Pops (2021)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク
Guitar: うっちー
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: ティアオイエツォン (diao ye zong / Withered Leaf)
Track: 02

When you’re soooo in love… you’re on cloud nine, and you don’t want that honeymoon sweetness to ever end–you keep replaying the same scenarios, over and over again, each time just a little bit different from the times before and after. Almost as if in a never-ending dream world.

The lyrics of this track don’t seem to have much to do with Chen, but they’re adorable just the same. I particularly like the instrumental to this track having a kind of 2000s Game OST dnb/pop vibe to it.

TL Notes + Lyrics below!

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フーリンキャットマーク – アナベルアパリシオン

Title: アナベルアパリシオン (Annabelle Apparition)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク (Fuling Cat Mark)
Album: Cat Nap Pops (2021)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク
Guitar: ゆっきー
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend (Akutagawa Ryuunosuke’s Kappa)
Track: 01 [Listen on YT]

Nitori spies on humans getting all lovey-dovey during the summer, and it makes her all flustered just watching them–she even makes comments to herself as if she were watching a romance on TV…
But, of course, a kappa, being a kappa, can only be an onlooker to the weird ways humans get together. Oh, if only…!

I plan to tackle every track of this 2021 album from Fuling Cat Mark!

Translation and other notes below!

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フーリンキャットマーク – 冥界ランデブー

Title: 冥界ランデブー (Netherworld Rendezvous)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク (Fuling Cat Mark)
Album: ベイビーリトルシティ (2016) / ロングロングロンド (2020)
Arrange, Lyrics: 谷高マーク (Mark Yataka)
Vocal: 天川かぐや (2016) / 鳴紗 (2020)
Original: 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life (Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossoms)

Love is the sweetest poison…
The overall feeling this song gives me is a whimsical kind of love between ghosts (probably), so I had a lot of fun with these lyrics.

Fuling Cat Mark has produced several versions of this song, and the one I’ll be referencing for lyrics is called “鳴界 ver”, a pun mashup of 冥界 (Meikai, the Netherworld) and 鳴紗 (Meisha, the vocalist).

There is a 2013 version with slightly different lyrics that exists as well, but that album is currently out of stock and it’s hard to find good scans for LOL.

Only vocals and music arrangement themselves differ between the 2016 and 2020 versions. The printed lyrics are split up a little differently between albums as well (including a small typo in the 2020 version) but I wasn’t able to find any significant difference.

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フーリンキャットマーク – ヴィーナスDIARY

Title: ヴィーナスDIARY (Venus Diary)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク (Fuling Cat Mark)
Album: スターライトワンピースター (2017) / 女の子ダイヤル (2020)
Arrange, Lyric: 谷高マーク (Mark Yataka)
Vocal: 天川かぐ (Amakawa Kaguya) (2017) / 鳴紗 (Meisha) (2020)
Original: フラワリングナイト / 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind (Flowering Night / Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind)

Venus is the token representative of beauty, love, friendship, and romance–the speaker writes down their sweet thoughts in this stylish song~
The major difference between both versions is solely in music arrangement and vocal.

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フーリンキャットマーク – ロングロングロンド

Title: ロングロングロンド (Long, long lond)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク (Fuling Cat Mark)
Album: ロングロングロンド (2020)
Arrange, Lyric: 谷高マーク
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: 東方妖々夢 〜 Ancient Temple / 死霊の夜桜 / アルティメットトゥルース (Eastern Ghostly Dream / Night Sakura of Dead Spirits / Ultimate Truth)

[Listen / Official MV]

A sweet song of adventure. I’ve split the stanzas to be faithful to how they are in the printed lyrics. Thinking about doing the rest of the songs from this album, maybe?!?

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Fuling Cat Mark – チクタクアンソロジー

banmenTitle: チクタクアンソロジー (Tick – Tock Anthology)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク (Fuling Cat Mark)
Album: ベイビーリトルシティ
Lyrics / Arrange: 谷高マーク
Vocal: めいしゃ
Original: 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures / 神々が恋した幻想郷 (Kid’s Festival ~ Innocent Treasures / The Gensokyo the Gods Loved)
[Listen] [Official MV]

This song is, in the Youtube description, a “cute and fashionable Touhou arrange with a fantastical atmosphere”–

The theme here is… trouble dealing with messy feelings. A kind of fragile, but honest, yearning.

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