フーリンキャットマーク – ヴィーナスDIARY

Title: ヴィーナスDIARY (Venus Diary)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク (Fuling Cat Mark)
Album: スターライトワンピースター (2017) / 女の子ダイヤル (2020)
Arrange, Lyric: 谷高マーク (Mark Yataka)
Vocal: 天川かぐ (Amakawa Kaguya) (2017) / 鳴紗 (Meisha) (2020)
Original: フラワリングナイト / 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind (Flowering Night / Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind)

Venus is the token representative of beauty, love, friendship, and romance–the speaker writes down their sweet thoughts in this stylish song~
The major difference between both versions is solely in music arrangement and vocal.

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フーリンキャットマーク – ロングロングロンド

Title: ロングロングロンド (Long, long lond)
Circle: フーリンキャットマーク (Fuling Cat Mark)
Album: ロングロングロンド (2020)
Arrange, Lyric: 谷高マーク
Vocal: 鳴紗
Original: 東方妖々夢 〜 Ancient Temple / 死霊の夜桜 / アルティメットトゥルース (Eastern Ghostly Dream / Night Sakura of Dead Spirits / Ultimate Truth)

[Listen / Official MV]

A sweet song of adventure. I’ve split the stanzas to be faithful to how they are in the printed lyrics. Thinking about doing the rest of the songs from this album, maybe?!?

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ichika – I

Image result for TWR-0001 ichika

Title: I
Arrange: ichika
Album: I (2019)
Vocal, Lyric: 川谷絵音 (Enon Kawatani)


I, a song about 愛. Might come back to fix the translation at another time >.<
Very vague-but-beautiful song. The lyrics have this sense that they are describing a sort of transient, but deeply felt emotion, and perhaps it’s about something beyond my understanding… but I guess being in love is kind of confusing too, yeah?

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Amateras Records – 恋繋エピローグ

Title: 恋繋エピローグ (Ren’kei Epilogue / Love-tied Epilogue)
Circle: Amateras Records
Album: Everlasting Conviction (2016)
Arrange: Tracy vs. Astronomical
Vocal: KUMI (ヲタみん)
Lyrics: 築山さえ
Guitar: 零 -zero-
Original: 砕月 (Broken Moon)

The little oni falls in love, but one day that person is nowhere to be found… and so she continues to keep them in her heart to this very day.

The “renkei” in the title is two separate kanji which are 恋 (love) and 繋 (that which ties together). It is most likely a pun on the very similar word 連繋 (renkei) which means “connection.”

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Twilight Chronicle ~ I Am Sister


Title: Twilight Chronicle ~ I Am Sister
Circle: Golden City Factory
Album: Twilight Chronicle ~ I Am Sister
Vocal: 真優
Lyric: 笹森カワ丸
Album Illust: 六羽田トモエ
Original: U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? (U.N. Owen was Her?)


This is Gensokyo.
Separated from the outside world for months, for years,
All manner of mountain demons, river spirits–
Many, many monsters run rampant.

It is a paradise for youkai.

(The aforementioned album is only this song, plus a remixed version and an instrumental.

Lyrics, and lyricist’s notes, after the break)

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