Title: クラゲ / Jellyfish
Album: クラゲ (2021 Single)

Translated on a whim mostly :p
I’ve been a huge fan of BLU-SWING’s works for a while, though it’s a bit of a pain being able to listen to their whole discography in one place;; this song is a single they released a few years ago. I haven’t found any English TL for the lyrics so I’d like to provide my interpretation :]

I really like the jellyfish being used as a metaphor for love–its beauty from a distance, its pain up close, the often short-lived and fleeting nature of it.


  • “And dance with you a la canción” // “And dance with you to the song.” I assumed ラ・カンシオン is supposed to be simply just the words “la canción” … but maybe it’s a specific reference to something. I haven’t been able to find anything though!
  • “青が青に深く深く揺らめいて” // I struggled to think of a way to capture the imagery of this line, but it’s essentially something like… the blue of a jellyfish gracefully moving in the depths of the blueness of the ocean.
  • “Don’t lose sight of her…” // this whole stanza is generally a little mysterious/ambiguous (and I have no idea what “時の丘” is supposed to be referencing even after some research). Whether “her” means the moon or the girl is intentionally ambiguous by me, since the song seems to imply both are true.

歌詞 / Lyrics:

Chromatic tones shine through me like glass,
Their shadows drawing smooth curves–aren’t they beautiful?

I want to see that girl sinking beneath the waves…
So I should set out somewhere beyond the reaches of space.

Now that I’ve come into contact with you…
Seems I’ve been stung clean through.

There’s just no way I would love loneliness,
But I don’t like being crowded with others either…
That’s just how it is.

So I’ll leave myself to the waves, and drift afloat;
Tonight, the curtains will come billowing down for sure.

I’ll take your graceful hand in mine
And dance with you a la canción
In an unending loop–

And someday I’ll dissolve back into the ocean waters
Just to return to secrecy.

In this soundless world where
Everything feels cold to touch,
Unending, going on forever,

A shade of blue sways gently–a blue within a deep, deep blue–
Tonight… I’ll dream of you for sure.

There’s just no way I would love loneliness,
So don’t lose sight of her, and don’t look away from her;
Shining among the hills of time–come see it!
The moon tonight is beautiful, after all.

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